2024 Catalysts in Review
See what the Catalysts Call attendees think about the Monday night sessions.
2024 Year-End Review
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Catalysts Institute for Local Control
501(c)(3): Educate, Engage & Empower
Focus: Housing, Land Use, Zoning, RHNA
- Catalysts Calls – Mondays at 5PM
- 1,400 attendees
- 44 calls
- Average attendance: 34/call
- Town Halls –
- 295 attendees, 6 events
- Avg: 49; High at 72 w/Pam Lee
- “What Matters?” 4-part series on Safety, Taxes, Elections, Constitution.
- Lobby Day, April
- 26 meetings w/legislators/aides
- 22 participants
- 4 team leaders
- Flyer & Fact Sheet on RHNA
- CA Housing Future 2040: Convened 12-member ad hoc committee
- Presentations: Tri-Valley Republicans, the Great Housing Hoax; Hills 2000, Small is Beautiful panel
- Media: 12 Sonoma Radio shows; 6 published letters: SF Chronicle, Marin IJ, Marin Post; Ray Lorber: History of Catalysts
- Networking: CALE, CCLC, Citizen Marin, Livable CA, SF Neighborhoods, United Neighbors LA, and others
Success: Elected officials, community leaders, and the public rise up to protect communities, safety, affordability, sustainability and local control.
Catalysts for Local Control
501(c)(4): Advocate
Focus: Legislation, elections, litigation
- Legislation – 9 opposition letters; 6/24 experiment, Catalysts Calls to Assm Local Govt re: SB7-Blakespeare, gut & amend re: CA2040 and RHNA
- Ballot Measures:
- RM-4 – Signed on to lawsuit brought by Jason Besiz; Promoted $20Billion Reasons (now Shift) Outcome: MTC pulled the measure.
- Prop 5 – Urged opposition, distributed signs, wrote letters
- Candidates: Supported Assembly and Senate seat challengers
- Hosted challengers Yvette Corkrean (Wiener), Margot Smith (Wicks), Lydia Kou (Berman) and Liz Lawler (Pellerin)
- Promoted Emeryville City Council member Kalimah Priforce’s change.org petition for an Ethics Commission
- Litigation
- Worked in favor of Bruce Corcoran’s lawsuit against Marin County
- Hosted sessions w/ Pam Lee
Success: Catalysts (individual and collectives) contributes to electing like-minded candidates, winning lawsuits, and supporting legislation that restores equity and local control.
Watch the video “2024 Catalysts in Review.”
Hear highlights from Catalysts Call participants.
THANK YOU & Happy Holidays to Catalysts’ colleagues
around the state and across the nation!