Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond in an Amount Not to Exceed $20 Billion

Affordable Housing General Obligation Bond in an Amount Not to Exceed $20 Billion

By Greg Dieguez
May 22,2024

There is much to question about a Housing Bond which will cost $48B in total debt service, yet
yield only $16B in proceeds for housing. At an average of $178K per unit, what will be built are
not Homes, but Corporate Rental Apartments, owned by wealthy investors who can benefit from
the 9% investment tax credit, and depreciation writeoff. And this Bond would continue a trend to institutional ownership of housing, not unlike the Mining and Mill towns of the 19th century.

Ex-examining ‘affordable’ housing

Ex-examining ‘affordable’ housing

By Ann Duwe
May 14, 2024

What is clear is that many of the 150 state housing laws enacted since 2017, together with the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) system administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), will not produce a large supply of housing for Bay Area residents with annual incomes below approximately $100,000.

California state commission unveils major CEQA update proposal to expand housing

California state commission unveils major CEQA update proposal to expand housing

Steve Frank
May 13, 2024

How do you lie in plain sight and make it seem real? You pretend you have a problem, put a LARGE number to it and then use the State government to control the process.
This is a scam for developers and unions to make money at the cost of taxpayers. The Bay Area is looking to put a $20 billion bond on the November ballot—that is $40 billion including interest. We are told that San Fran, which is losing population MUST build.



by Jennifer Hernandez
May 10, 2024

Much of the Democratic party’s traditional constituency include small business owners, first responders, and “essential workers”. These groups earn too much to qualify for housing assistance, but too little to live in the state’s most expensive population centers. Economist John Husing showed that even the highest-paid construction workers cannot afford to buy a median priced home in any Southern California county that touches the ocean, or any Bay Area county that touches San Francisco Bay

California housing laws have failed. The crisis is housing affordability

California housing laws have failed. The crisis is housing affordability

By Julie Testa
May 8, 22024

On April 22, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge ruled Senate Bill 9 unconstitutional for five “charter law” cities.
This court ruling signals an opportunity for more California cities to follow the lead of the five courageous “charter law” cities who stood up against state overreach. The 150 state laws that erode local democracy have not and will not make housing more affordable for those who need it most.

With fewer Californians and more construction, where are the housing bargains?

With fewer Californians and more construction, where are the housing bargains?

By Jonathan Lansner
May 3, 2024

If California’s population is well off its peak, and developers keep on building housing, why does the cost of living in the Golden State remain lofty?
My trusty spreadsheet looked at fresh demographic figures from the state Department of Finance to find any hints of solving this housing riddle.
Start with the basics: California had 38.2 million residents living in households last year – that’s down 375,800 since 2020, or a 0.9% loss.