Legislators, like local elected officials and community leaders, want housing that is affordable. Yet the very foundations of the American Dream— safety and owning a home—are being undermined by legislation that favors developer/investors. Confidence is dwindling. Working together, we can do better.

RHNA Analysis


30,000 foot level: Evidence of flawed analysis of housing needs–



10,000 foot level: Policies of streamlining, ministerial approval, and elimination of public participation benefit developer/investors, but harm neighborhoods, the environment, and don’t meet goals for affordable housing —

Cities/People at Risk


1,000 foot level: Cities and constituents suffer–

  • Developer/investors are enabled to build housing on sites prone to fire, flooding, and toxins
  • Cities incur increased costs for unfunded mandates and the infrastructure to support greater density (e.g., sewers, water, schools, power, safety, etc.) without state support

√  Take 3 Actions– Implement policy solutions that serve communities & constituents!

  • FIX the flawed RHNA methodology that exploded housing quotas between the 5th & 6th Housing Element cycles by triple and up to six times previous mandates. State audit report on RHNA (3/17/22)
  • OPPOSE SB423 (Wiener). It extends failed housing policy without meeting the need for housing that is affordable. Oppose AB1485 (Haney) that exposes your constituents to increased threats from Attorney General Bonta’s Strike Force.
  • OPPOSE bills that favor hedge funds and speculators to acquire land, profit, and housing cash flow while reducing safety, local control, and opportunties for home ownership.

More Evidence


✓ Address the foundational issue of income inequality.

✓ Subsidize housing that is affordable to wage-earners.

✓ Preserve housing stock and tax vacancies.

✓ Regulate housing monopolies.

✓ Collaborate with communities and constituents.

Constituents are educating themselves with a goal for state and local officials to work together collaboratively for sound housing policy that serves the common good.

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