Updating the Plan’s Equity Priority Communities
Leading up to this month’s Final Blueprint approval, MTC and ABAG also released the final update to the Equity Priority Communities (EPCs) geographies in December 2024. In addition to informing long-range planning efforts, EPCs are also used to identify funding and public engagement priorities, among other areas. The final Plan Bay Area 2050+ Equity Priority Communities Map ensures that no EPC tracts previously identified as part of Plan Bay Area 2050 will lose EPC status in Plan Bay Area 2050+.
Existing EPCs designated under Plan Bay Area 2050 will continue to be recognized until the adoption of Plan Bay Area 2050+. Once the new plan is adopted, existing plus new EPCs will then be in effect until potentially early 2030, depending on the results and adoption of a forthcoming effort to re-envision the EPC planning framework.
Seeking Comments on Scope and Content of Forthcoming Environmental Analysis
On January 14, MTC and ABAG released a Notice of Preparation for the Plan Bay Area 2050+ Draft Environmental Impact Report, inviting agencies and members of the public to provide comment on the scope and content of forthcoming environmental analysis that will be conducted on the draft plan.
The scoping meeting for Plan Bay Area 2050+ will be held virtually on January 29, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. Public comment will be accepted through February 13, 2025. More information can be found on the EIR Scoping Meeting page of the Plan Bay Area website.